Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mixtecs in VC

We called ourselves people from the town of the rain (ñuu savi), and we speak the word of the rain (tu'un savi). We are native people from Oaxaca, Guererro and Puebla states of Mexico. We are from a 3000 years old civilization. We have our own writing system (codex), our writing system is not written by using roman alphabet, they are picture (hieroglyphics). Now days, we the mixtecs do not know how to read our books, it is getting despair. Years of discrimination in our everyday lives is forcing us to forget our identity, language, our roots. We do not want to be identify as Mixtecs or indigenous, because we are afraid to be discriminated against.
I am Mixtec from Oaxaca State of Mexico. people from my town already lose our mixtec language, our kids do not speak our language no more, our parent didn't teach us our langauge, because they were afraid that will suffer discrimination, I think. Often, I heard them saying: "do not speak tu'un ntavi (word of the poor people), "speak Spanish, Spanish is better" they said. We thought they were right, but then we got lost. I've seen young people getting lost in the society. They do not know where they are coming from, where they are or where they are going.
Mixtecs in Ventura County comes from various communities from the three states of Mexico (Oaxaca, Guerrero, Puebla). Although, we are form the mixtec civilizaton, each communities have their own believes, dialects, customs etc. Yes, we all are Mixtecs but we all do not share identical believes, there is a lot of complexity in the structure of our society. People from other cultures do not understand our community and its complexity, but they judge us for being who we are.

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